Lightning fast development

powered by mockpi

Create API mocks in seconds using mockpi, trust me!
It's super simple, super JSON, and seriously powerful framework.

Developers ♥ it for frontend-backend integration

Trusted by the World's Most Loved Tech Team

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Wiremock killer - Much simpler, Zero code integration and JSON first

backend api mock
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Integrate across all platforms

Designed for seamless integration across all platforms, including mobile apps, frontend websites, internal and external microservices, test suites and much more!

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Zero code change required

With zero code changes required, you can simply update the base URLs in your environment or configuration settings to start using mockpi.

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Dynamic & stateful API Integration

Powerful yet simple way to dynamically generate custom API responses with stateful behaviors, enabling you to handle complex test cases with ease.

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No need to learn another new tool

This isn’t another tool you need to learn— mockpi integrates seamlessly with your existing API tools, like Postman, allowing you to start using it right away.


What Our Customers Say

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Tim Roes

Eng. Lead at Airbyte

Mockpi became a game-changer for one of our projects! It let us set up mock endpoints very quickly, avoiding delays from backend dependencies - helping us deliver features faster. Highly recommend!
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Prashant Maurya

Engg Manager at Mercari

It was simpler and faster than other tools we tried, letting us set up mock endpoints in no time. It saved us hours and had all the features we needed. Highly recommend for easy, efficient setup!
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Carla Milis

QA Manager at Accenture

Mockpi was invaluable for our testing automation and performance drills. It let us quickly create mocks for our complex requirements, and now it’s a go-to tool for reliable test automation and performance testing!
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Robert H

Staff Engineer at Zapier

Mockpi’s state and webhook features helped in building our POC quickly. We could easily simulate real-world scenarios, allowing us to present a fully functional concept without waiting on backend development!
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Vaibav Rai

Computer Scientist at Adobe

I loved it's JSON friendliness. It made it incredibly easy to use with Postman—no need to deal with custom UIs. It fit perfectly into our existing development workflows, letting us build and test mock APIs seamlessly!
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